
2017-03-05 00:00:00

这座历时一年由电子厂房改造而来的现代化的绿色办公大楼,通过被动式节能设计和主动式调节相结合 ...

设计师巧妙地选用 “树”为空间主题,传达出生生不息的创造力和追求快速成长的品牌文化,与 W+K 所倡导的公司核心理念完美融合。设计师花了一些心思在挖掘空间原有的美感和特性,如利用现存的开放式楼梯巧妙串联上下各层空间:水平与垂直的木板灵动有序地拼接,穿插,自然延展至不同楼层间的区域,宛如树的主干生长出的枝干,也如同不断发散的创意和灵感,并体现出现代和优雅质感。

In choosing “tree” as the central theme of the working space, Thomas Dariel drew parallels with the core corporate culture: fast growing and never-ending creativity. Designers carefully preserved the beauty and features of the space by playing with the existing open staircase to connect all the spaces across different floors. Inspired by the scenography of branches growing out of a tree trunk, the horizontal and vertical split joint boards connect, cross, and naturally extend to different floors, composing the key visual of the office building. It also indicates the divergent creativity and imagination.

▼ 以“树”为空间主题,如同不断发散的创意和灵感。 “Tree” as the central theme of the working space
